David Dodd Lee (born 1959) is an American poet.[1][2] Lee is the author of six books of poems, Downsides of Fish Culture (New Issues Press, 1997), Arrow Pointing North (Four Way Books, 2002), Abrupt Rural (New Issues Press, 2004), "The Nervous Filaments" (Four Way Books, 2010) "Orphan, Indiana" ( University of Akron Press) and "Sky Booths in the Breath Somewhere: The Ashbery Erasure Poems" (2010, BlaxeVox). He has published poems in literary journals and magazines including Field, Denver Quarterly, CutBank, Green Mountains Review, Barrow Street, Cimarron Review, Sycamore Review, Willow Springs, Quarterly West, Prairie Schooner, and American Literary Review. Also a fiction writer, his stories have appeared in Green Mountains Review, West Branch, and other literary magazines.
Lee is the editor of SHADE, an annual anthology published by Four Way Books, and the former editor of Passages North and Third Coast. In addition he has guest edited recent editions of The Laurel Review and Passages North. He is also the editor of The Other Life, The Selected Poems of Herbert Scott, forthcoming from Carnegie Mellon in 2010. Together with Donna Munro, he is editor of Half Moon Bay poetry chapbooks, which has published titles by Franz Wright and Hugh Seidman, among others. Lee earned a B.A. in Painting in 1986 and a MFA in Creative Writing in 1993, both from Western Michigan University. He is currently a professor of Creative Writing at Indiana University at South Bend and lives in South Bend, Indiana.